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Dasara Gombe Doll Show


Dasara is a traditional Festival celebrated all over India. Dasara Gombe or Doll Show is a tradition that some of the families are following in the parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Dasara Gombe is an arrangements of variety of Dolls, Puppets and decorating in an attractive manner. Dolls are arranged for display and all the relatives and neighbors will be invited to home. One of our relatives also following this tradition from many years. Here is a glimpse of it. Dasara Dolls on Display.

Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_1 Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_2 Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_3 Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_4 Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_5 Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_6 Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_7 Dasara_Gombe_Dolls_Display_8 

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1 Response to "Dasara Gombe Doll Show"

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